Donations can be viewed in the Good2Give Giving platform via the following methods:
Current donations
- Sign in to the platform (
- On your Home tab, scroll down to My Giving Portfolio to see your current Donation Intents (pledges) recorded in the platform for future processing.
Historical donations
- Sign in to the platform (
- Click on the My Giving tab in the right hand corner of the screen
- Click My Giving History on the right hand side, below the Save my giving button
You'll be presented with date range and charity search options where. Enter in the date range or charities you wish to search for and a transaction list will be automatically generated in the box below.
My Giving History tab guidance
Annual Tax Statement - this is for credit card donations only and can be downloaded for the previous financial year
Search - use the search function to search for donations by charity or donations by date range and export into a .csv file
My Giving - shows the amount given via pay or credit card in the date range shown
My Volunteering - shows the amount of hours volunteered in the date range shown
Company Matched Giving - shows the amount matched in the date range shown
Date - payroll date (i.e. the date you were paid)
Charity - the logo and name of the charity donated to
Activity - the activity type that the donation was made in. Use this field in conjunction with Payment Method and Donation Type. This will be either:
- Workplace Giving - workplace givingdonation made via payroll or credit card
- Fundraising -donation made via a fundraising page
- Post-Tax Matching - matchingdonation made via Post-Tax (Gift) matching submission
- Volunteering Matching - matchingdonation made via Volunteering matching submission
Donation Type - the categorisation of the donation - use this field in conjunction with Payment Method and Donation Activity Type. This will be:
- My Giving - workplace givingdonation - attributed to the employee's activity and payment method
- Company Matched - corporate matching donation - attributed to the employer
Hrs - amount of hours logged for volunteering matching submissions
$ - donation amount
Payment method - ‘My pay’ is a payroll donation and ‘Credit Card’ is a credit card donation. Note: if post-tax or volunteer matching - this will show as ‘My Pay’.
Status:- The current status of the donation
Awaiting Validation | The donations that are awaiting validations from the payroll |
Validated | The donations that are validated from the payroll and are awaiting payment by the employer |
Received | The donations or matching that have been transferred to Good2Give and are waiting to be paid to the charity in the next fortnightly charity pay out. |
Paid | The donations have been paid to the charity. |